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Click the Link above to make a donation via Square pay.
We are reaching out for your contribution towards the growth of Local Independent Media and Public Artworks.
We are %100 sponsor funded, with all donations going towards the continued print and digital publication of 16 Blocks Magazine.
Sponsorships allow us to grow our team and coverage and reach in an effort to fill the current void in local news reporting and arts and culture coverage.
Every little bit counts.
Become a Patron of our Free Publication to help our efforts to grow journalism at the local level as we build a team and the tools to harness our growth into informative and entertaining local content that is everso lacking with slow end of traditional media outlets.

Points of Action
Aug -2023 Nov 2024
We produced Eight Print Editions and distributed 30,000 Copies throughout the Roanoke and New River Valleys. We take a hands-on approach with our ~50 distribution points, and rarely find leftover copies. Due to the evergreen nature of our content, we re-distribute our leftover issues at events and meetings.
In August, we were awarded our largest commission to produce the Steppin Out Blacksburg Souvenir Guide under a sponsorship by Virginia is For Lovers.

We have worked with ~30 Creatives who have contributed original writing and visual art along with the participation of community leaders, artists, and experts have worked to produce 250 pages of original content.

20 Student Interns through Virginia Tech
Every issue has been fully funded by local advertiser and donors, with 100% of sponsorships going towards print and digital production

We produce unique digital content to compliment the print editions where most media is consumed on laptops, desktops and cell phones. Our content stands out, and reaches both broad and niche viewers.

We do not pay for Boosts or Sponsored Ads, making all of our growth organic.

Facebook and Instagram: We’ve reached 10,000 regular monthly views on both platforms with FB , with spikes in content interaction and the amount of time people spend with our regular posts and reels.

Tik Tok: Vids regularly pass 700 views

Youtube: Due to our advances in producing medium-longer form work and posting on 16BlocksTV and promoting through social media and the magazine, we received our first 1,000 views in October. has received 2.5k Unique Visitors in 2024, and will be our home for archiving the work, and exhibiting continuing series.

Public Artworks
Creative Director Rita Brame’s “The Local Jam” is an 800 square foot mural depicting living musicians that have performed in downtown Blacksburg.
Stella Rose Outdoor Piano was an interactive outdoor art-piece hand-painted by Rita Brame destroyed during town construction. Our advocating for a Public Arts Policy at Blacksburg Town Council has led the town to draft a policy towards protecting and valuing local art and artist’s work.
Three 16 Blocks Cover Drawings by Rita Brame were chosen as winners of the “Where are You” contest by the Town of Blacksburg, and are wrapped on prominent utility boxes throughout the Town.

Reach out to with questions.

Current Rates

As a non-profit ourselves, we never want money to get in the way of sharing a message or event with our readership. For those lacking, we are happy to offer custom and/or barter deals on a case-by-case basis.

Multi-page and mini-booklet options are AVAILABLE! Reach out if you’ve a larger story to tell than one-page can offer.

$450 – Contact for Series Discount

This leads to your Ad reaching local and traveling viewers and readers in a host of modern and traditional ways in the vacuum of local media deserts.

About Us