Will the lame-duck Governor Just Say No again? But everyone else is doin it…

We spoke with Del Obenshain in the Spring of 2024, excellent reporting here from Markus Schmidt from Virginia Mercury updating the second go of the bill on the Governor’s desk. .


With no legal marketplace, Virginians can grow and possess marijuana, but still can’t buy or sell it.

February 5, 2025 

Del. Chris Obenshain, R-Montgomery, a local prosecutor, and Del. Will Morefield, R-Tazewell, were the two lone Republicans to back the House measure. 

“I’ve been consistent in my support for a legal and regulated adult market for cannabis in Virginia,” said Obenshain, who voted for a similar proposal last year. “The status quo is confusing for individuals and businesses, and the lack of regulation or enforcement is dangerous for everyone involved,” he said.

Del Obenshain has been consistent indeed. He told us the same when he was the lone Republican vote for retail weed in Virginia in 2024 for a bill that was passed and subsequently vetoed by Governor Youngkin.

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